Our story

Next month has been 5 years in our current business…
5 years ago …
I was at one of the lowest points in my life.
My health was bad.
Our financial literacy was non existent, and we were in extreme debt.
My faith and relationships were failing.
I felt like I was losing control of everything.
And was at a loss …

Then Qsciences entered our life …
God knew we needed this.
I came for the products honestly and a more holistic approach to my health and wellness journey …
But, I also saw a business opportunity.

We have stayed because of the 5 f’s that are at the center of the this company and the growth we have seen in our life:
And Finances.

5 years later:
My faith has deepened and God has worked in some incredible ways.
My marriage is the best it has been, we have grown more in love, date nights are a priority, and I am taking time to be present with my kids.
My relationships have grown, we have made so many friends through this business, and love everything we are learning from each other.
My health is the best it has been, I am learning to make it a priority, I have help and support through our incredible fitness app and mentorship.
And we now have so much financial literacy, thanks to our financial freedom movement and financial coach we get. We have come to terms with bad financial habits, have a plan for the future, have emergency savings set up, and so much more.

That is most of my story … one of many.

If you want to hear more of my story or others and how we can help your family, my inbox is open. What growth do you want to see in the next 5 years?

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